Aug 23, 2013

Picture Overload!

Yesterday was a good day.  I've been in one of my cleaning frenzy moods, and I've gotten a lot done.  One of the things that I've been itching to do, is clean my patio furniture.  It gets very windy where I live and there is a LOT of dirt flying around.  It's impossible to keep things clean outside.  There is always a fine layer of dust over everything.  So yesterday when I went outside to clean, of course the boys were right under foot.  Lincoln asked if he could get wet and play with the his clothes.  I said, yes.  Look at how much fun they had....

Jax LOVES to eat rocks and dirt!  He's starting to slow down though because I think he realized how gross it is!

Trying to eat that weed!

Decided against it....yucky!

Having too much fun! backyard got SWAMPED!


 Cute little girl loves getting her picture taken!

Oh, and did you see the mess above in the background....ya....that is the product of a HUGE shopping spree that I just had!  Check it out! 

I feel so lucky!  My sweet hubby watched all 3 kids, while I left for 3 WHOLE days, stayed at a nice hotel in Phoenix and shopped my BRAINS out!  No joke.  I calculated that I did 33 hours of walking in 3 days!  I've been planning this trip for over a year now.  I saved money for a whole year to do this.  That in itself is a know...saving money.  I've decided that I need to make this a semi-annual event! hahaha.  I got home late Sunday a CLEAN house.  What?!  I was ecstatic!  Carpets vacuumed, dishes done, and all the laundry too!  Of course, my house was a mess the very next day....what can you do!  It's impossible to keep it clean with 3 littles.  Speaking of messes...this is why my master bathroom is always a mess....always.
Who, me?!  I'm innocent mommy!  Look how cute I am! 


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