Jul 17, 2013


Well, I had a great evening!  Our family went over to a friend's house for a BBQ.  This friend is like family!  We ate good food, made a fire and had s'mores, played corn hole (if you don't know what that is, then you are missing out), and once it began to get dark, watched Duck Dynasty on a projector!  Fun times!  Have you ever watched Duck Dynasty?!  Phil is my favorite.  Such a good family friendly show.

Duck Dynasty
It's day like these that make me realize how good and sweet life is.  Spending time with my family and friends is priceless.  Recently I have felt the urge to spend as much time with my family as possible.  And I'm not talking about just being in the same room.  I am talking about quality time with my family.  I realized that I don't have to do anything extravagant, or costly.  It can be something as simple as going to a park and kicking a ball around, or going on a hike, or even, just sitting down together and talking.  Really talking, AND listening.  My kids LOVE talking and being listened to.  What kid doesn't! 



Oh and Jax said his first word today!!!  "Up!"  As he sits on the floor, he holds his hands up into the air and says "Up!".  So adorable!  But don't you dare walk by and not pick him up, or screaming and crying is sure to follow.


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