Thankfully there wasn't much in the garbage...because that could be gross! haha! I love watching him grow. I love seeing all the new things he discovers and how excited he gets about it! I shouldn't admit this...but he also LOVES the tv remote! The other day it was on the floor and he bee-lined it over and grabbed it! A huge smile spread across his face. Then he proceeded to hold it up towards the tv and push buttons. WHAT?! He was so proud of himself. Remember he is only 10 months old. What does that say about me? My other 2 watch too many cartoons!! I am constantly trying to get better though. I have my ups and downs. Some weeks we won't watch any, and sometimes we watch way more than I'd ever want to admit! I'm hoping that once my little girl starts school, it will be easier to control it! :) Little Lincoln (my 3 year old) loves playing outside, so I'm hoping there will be a lot more of that and a lot less of tv. Plus, with only 2 kids at home, that will free up more time for me to play with my boys. I'm so excited for that time I will get to spend with them.
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